In today’s marketplace a non-fiction book deal boils down to one factor: the publisher’s ability to count on an eager audience for your book. Your proposal is a 50-page opportunity to present your content and the strength of your platform.
Wait, my what now?
Your platform testifies to your ability to bring a ready-built readership. It encompasses everything from your social media numbers to the memberships and associations that might offer endorsements.
Don't have one? Don’t panic.
From articulating the freshest take on your brand to mapping out your social media strategy to garnering endorsements I'll make sure you’re the complete polished package before you go to market. Overhauling client’s websites, producing their web series, helping create brand alliances—I’ve done it all.
And it works. The proposals I’ve created have landed my clients the biggest agents in the industry and six-figure publishing and television deals.
You’ve put so much into your book, now do what needs to be done to optimally position it -- and yourself.